Latest tweets
RT @earthisland: Preparing students for a warming planet. Our review of "Educating for the Anthropocene" by @PSutoris, published by…
RT @mellenehan: Fantastic session today as @FircroftCollege teachers spent the morning thinking with @PSutoris about what Education…
Forcing pro-environment policies on a reluctant public is a terrible idea. It can lead to a backlash and ultimately…
Thank you @PaulKrantz4 🙏
Funding for social science/humanities #research seems conservative/self-perpetuating. Those who decide if a project…
Learning to Care: Educating For Sustainability, at World Innovation Summit in Education, Doha, December 2021
Educating for the Anthropocene: Schooling, Activism & Slow Violence (KCL CPPR Lunchtime Seminar, 30 November 2021 )
History of Indian documentary film, FD Zone, Mumbai, April 2014
Sustainability through Children’s Imagination, The Know Show, March 2021
Interviews & Articles about my work
Throwing Light: Insights into the Neglected History of Indian Documentaries, Caravan Magazine, October 2016
Roll Reversal, Mumbai Mirror, September 26, 2016
Peter Sutoris ‘11 Named a Gates Cambridge Scholar, Dartmouth News, April 23, 2015
Visions of Development: Book Review, Aidnography, October 6, 2016
Vedec Peter Sutoris: Ľudské práva treba brániť, hoci aj silou [Scientist Peter Sutoris: We must defend human rights even if force is required; in Slovak], Dennik N, September 28, 2017